Resume Types - Executive, College, Technical and Professional

Types of Resume Format

Generally people think resume is a resume but the fact is resume has different format. You can make resume with the help of resume samples but these samples are also in one of these format. If you don’t know which format is right for you then you won’t be able to make a good resume. It is very important to have the knowledge about the different types of format that are available. This will help you choose the most appropriate one for your career. Let us discuss them.

Reverse Chronological

Reverse chronological resume are the most commonly used resume format. Resent employment details are given first and then it moves backward in the same order. The company’s name and the job title held are emphasized with duties and achievements detailed under each job title. If you have worked with a big company or big brand and had held a good position then you will have an advantage as it shows that you are highly talented candidate. Employers prefer chronological resume format because they can easily understand your job title and duties. Chorological resume is ideal to show your career growth and achievements. This format is not suitable for people who had break in job or are looking for their first job.

Functional Resume Format

In this format information is presented in a logical order. Importance is given to skills and accomplishment and they come first in the order then comes the other details. This format is right to tell your employer about what you know and what you have achieved. This format is perfect for people who have gaps in job; who are trying to get their first job or who are returning from unemployment.

Combination Resume Format

Combination resume format is a combination of chronological and functional format. In this format emphasis is given to both experience and job skills. First job experience is mentioned then skills and achievement. This format is good when you are looking for a change in the career and wants to mention skills which you think is going to be an asset in the future. This format is good for presenting diversified employment history and you can also mention your volunteer or internship experience in this.

These are the mostly commonly used resume format. Choose chronological format if you want to highlight job experience and growth. Go for functional format if you want lay focus on skills and achievements and if you want both then combination resume format is the one for you. I can bet now you know which format is right for you.

2 Response to "Resume Types - Executive, College, Technical and Professional"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    April 14, 2011 at 11:19 PM

    Thank you for sharing detail of resume format.

    Free Resume Search

  2. maddy says:
    April 28, 2011 at 5:13 AM

    Always best resume is will not get you the job; you'll need to convince the employer during the job interview.

    Resume Formats

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